
In all collections, the location of works / documents can be done in two ways:

   1) by searching the full text, where the asker enter any search term, is the title of the work / document sought is loose phrase or word of your text. The use of quotation marks is optional, and, to make use of this feature, the search will be restricted to the expression typed;

   2) through the boolean search, which are available in predetermined fields to search (author, title, subject, date, etc..), the asker can choose one or several of them to find the work / document. If you use more than one field, the search will return results that contain the combination.

Ex: When the fields are filled "type act - JOINT ORDINANCE", "Year of the Act - 2009" and "Subject - public servant", the result will point the combination of the three search arguments, ie, all will be listed Joint decrees signed in 2009 that deal with the subject public servant.

In both types of research, you can also choose the number of records to display per page, sort the items by topic, author, publication date, relevance and title and also sort the results by ascending or descending order.

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